Coventry and Central Warwickshire Teaching School Hub

Coventry and Central Warwickshire Teaching School Hub supports schools across Coventry and the Warwick and Rugby districts of Warwickshire, from our base at Lawrence Sheriff School in Rugby. We draw on our previous experience as the Griffin Teaching School Alliance to engage hub schools in this exciting new landscape, together with world leading university UCL Institute of Education as our Lead Provider, and respected colleagues in local schools. We build on the knowledge base within our existing Teaching School team, using our known strengths together with fresh faces to forge a strong team to lead us forward.

We strongly believe in co-operation and partnership, in engaging not imposing – we promote open two-way dialogue with our partner schools, maximising on their experience whilst sharing our own. Supporting the development of teachers throughout their careers is vital in order to optimise the life chances of their pupils – as a Teaching School Hub we know that the successful delivery of the Early Career Framework and the National Professional Qualifications will be key and are proud and excited to be leading these initiatives.

Coventry and Central Warwickshire Teaching School Hub

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Coventry and Central Warwickshire Teaching School Hub

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